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$8,000 Homebuyers Tax Credit Extended

By Les Christie, staff writer NEW YORK ( — President Obama signed an extension and expansion of the first-time homebuyers...

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Top 5 Energy Efficient Items

Top 5 Energy Efficient Items

  Top 5 Things to Make Your New Home More Energy Efficient Home Today energy experts work side-by-side with homebuilders to create...

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DFW New Home Construction Up

The pace of new home building in Dallas-Fort Worth picked up the third quarter from the previous quarter, but is still down from last year’s level, according to the latest numbers released today by Dallas-based real estate research firm Residential Strategies.

A Bright Side to the Housing Bust

A Bright Side to the Housing Bust

CNN Staff Writer, Les Christie, writes “Homebuying has not been this affordable in a generation.”  Falling home prices along with the $8,000...

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Home Builders Seek Housing’s Hole in the Donut

Home Builders Seek Housing’s Hole in the Donut

Survey says home building executives’ confidence level is inching ever so slowly upward. From horrid in January, we’ve reached tepid now. After horrid and tepid can only come torrid, but that’s still unaccounted for in the present cycle. John Landon goes on record to talk about the success of Landon Homes during the recovering housing market.

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